Scholarship Fund Donation
Florida Bible College of Tampa is recognized by the federal government as a non-profit, charitable organization (under section 501(C)(3)), and donations to Florida Bible College of Tampa will be acknowledged with a receipt from the organization.
You may choose to give one-time, or regularly.
You may mail contributions by check to:
Florida Bible College of Tampa
4811 George Road
Tampa, FL 33634
You may also give through Zelle using the Email ID (registrar@floridabiblecollege.us).
- Scholarships - We envision students handling the financial costs of attending college from three sources: savings (their own or their parents or other family), their earnings (pay-as-you-go), and from financial aid and scholarships. You may choose to donate to the scholarship funds of the college. Several have donated $1,000 amounts to the "Dr. Hank Lindstrom Scholarship" - you may wish to memorialize someone else, and establish a scholarship fund at Florida Bible College of Tampa. Please prayerfully consider how you might be a blessing to young people training to be the next generation of Christian leaders and soul winners.
- College Operations - We operate under a business plan that allows us to function without debt and to grow to accommodate more students with excellent education and training. We have needs that would allow us to do a better job - and we are grateful when God's people remember God's blessings and share with us in a tangible way.
Contributions may be undesignated - or you might consider giving toward a particular project, such as:
- Student/faculty missions trips
- Library development
- Classroom improvement (projectors, computers)
- Facilities development (for expansion, as we grow)
- Staff development (professional education for the existing staff, and adding, as we grow, others to that staff).