Apply Now

Please use the Online Application Form below. All information is securely encrypted. If you have any questions along the way, you can always Contact Us.

Note: In order to receive prompt consideration, applicant should be careful to give accurate information as requested below.

Date applicant plans to enter:

Fall Semester, 20

Spring Semester, 20

Course Attendance Preference
Personal Information

Present Residence

Permanent Residence

Next of Kin

Other contact



Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

Have you ever been diagnosed or received treatment for any mental health issues?( Required )


List below any training beyond high school


Financial requirements are detailed in the catalog; applicant should review this and be prepared to make all payments promptly according to the catalog requirements.


Anti-Computer Test - Please type the code:3524748   

Statement of Applicant
“I hereby make application for admission to Florida Bible College of Tampa, and agree, if accepted, to CHEERFULLY abide by ALL rules and regulations of the College, and to cooperate fully in every respect in advancing the Christian testimony of Florida Bible College of Tampa. I will fulfill to the best of my ability all the obligations I take on, whether financial, academic, or spiritual. I will accept the guidance of the authorities placed over me in the College in matters of Christian conduct, both in and out of the classroom. I have read carefully the Student Handbook and accept the guidelines without reservation.”

PLEASE NOTE: When you submit this form to the Florida Bible College Registrar, you will be shown a "Pay Now" button to pay your $35 Application Fee (mandatory), and other downloadable forms you might need.

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