Academic Standards

A student may take no more than eighteen semester hours each semester without special permission.

All courses attempted and completed become part of the student’s permanent record, and will show on any transcript of credits issued. Courses in which a student receives a grade of D or F may be repeated. In such cases, the lower grade will be disregarded and only the higher grade and corresponding quality points will be taken into consideration for computation of grade point average and meeting graduation requirements.

Academic standards will be maintained at a recognized college level.

This CQPA is calculated after the completion of any semester by the following formula:

Quality Points: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0

For each class, semester hours x quality points = total quality points

For each semester, sum of total quality points is divided by sum of semester hours completed (or semester hours attempted, if the student has ended his effort to complete a class), for the Quality Point Average (QPA) for the semester.

A Cumulative QPA after any two or more semesters is the sum of all quality points earned, divided by the sum of all semester hours completed (or attempted).

A cumulative quality point average (CQPA) of 1.5 or above is required for a student to continue as a regular student, or to hold any student office or position of leadership in ministry. When a student’s work falls below this standard, he is placed in a probation status. Failure to improve grades while in probation status may result in dismissal from the college. The VA students may be re-certified after attaining a cumulative QPA of better than 1.5.

Without exception, when a student knows he is doing substandard or failing work, he should seek to meet with the instructor or instructors of his classes, for special assignments which might be assigned and completed to help raise the student’s grades. Delay in seeking such help can easily mean it will be too late for such help to be given. Each teacher establishes his own policy on such matters.

Academic Probation Progression
  1. First Probation – after the first semester of below standard (less than C average).
  2. Second Probation – after the second semester of below standard work. Student will not be allowed to attempt more than twelve semester hours during the following semester.
  3. Third Probation – after the third semester of below standard work. Student will not be allowed to attempt more than six semester hours during the following semester.
  4. Academic Dismissal – after the fourth semester of below standard work. The student is dismissed from the school.


After a student is dismissed for substandard work, he may only be readmitted to the college after interview and counsel with both the Registrar and the President.
Grading System
F69 or below0
FA“Failure due to excess absences”0
WP“Withdrawn while passing”Not Computed
WF“Withdrawn while failing”Not Computed


Style Requirements
Paper’s as may be required by instructors are to be in accordance with the modern language association (MLA) style. MLA style typically is used for literature and humanities documents. MLA citation requires two-part parenthetical entries for each source. The in-text citation identifies the source and points the reader to the works cited list, found following the document. Generally, the in-text citation should include the author’s last name and the pages of the cited information, and the writer should place it immediately after the quoted or paraphrased text. For the works cited list, compile the sources in alphabetical order by the author’s last names or by the title of the article if author names are not available.