
Division of Practical Theology
Christian Education

CE 102
Survey of Church Ministries
Semester Hours*: 2
The aims, principles, organization & development of church outreach programs and ministries.
CE 203
Survey of Women's Ministries
Semester Hours: 1
The many and varied opportunities for women to serve in the work of the Lord. Women only.
CE 212
Child Growth and Development
Semester Hours: 2
Spiritual, mental, social, emotional and physical growth of children; the needs in each of five age groups, and related to family, school, and discipline.
CE 321
Educational Psychology
Semester Hours: 2
Examination of various learning theories and Biblical emphasis on the individuality of the learning experience.
CE 322
Organization & Management
Semester Hours: 2
Organizational and managerial theory and practical tools for Christian leaders and workers.
CE 331
Principles of Teaching
Semester Hours: 2
Concepts and responsibilities or teachers and learners; the teaching process, the learning process, and mistakes and violations in classrooms at all levels.
CE 342
General Curriculum
Semester Hours: 2
Development of educational objectives and goals, curriculum patterns and trends, and classroom implementation and evaluation.
CE 402
Women Teaching Women
Semester Hours: 2
Specific development of the principles of teaching for women in ministry.
CE 411
Materials & Methods
Semester Hours: 2
Preparation of teaching materials, unit and lesson planning, classroom procedures. Includes evaluation of audio-visual aids and practicality of available teaching materials.
CE 421
Tests & Measurements
Semester Hours: 2
Techniques of evaluation and grading; principles of test construction, item analysis, validity and reliability.
CE 422
Principles of Discipleship
Semester Hours: 2
Study in leading others to a mature and fruitful Christian life. Development of the principle found in 2 Timothy 2:2: teaching believers to disciple other "faithful men".
CE 430
Student Teaching
Semester Hours: 6
Observing, and actually teaching in a Christian school classroom under the supervision of the classroom teacher and a college faculty member.
Children's Ministries

CM 212
Child Growth & Development
Semester Hours: 2
Spiritual, mental, social, emotional and physical growth of children; the needs in each of five age groups, as related to family, school, and discipline.
CM 213/214
Children in the Church 1,2
Semester Hours: 2,2
Outreach, evangelism, training (Sunday School, clubs), worship, summers, bus ministry - from the nursery to adolescence, how to do it.
CM 440
Bible Club Practicum
Semester Hours: 1
Seminar and sharing time for students actively participating in and leading children's Bible clubs. Credit based on both class time and field work.
CM 441
Object Lessons, Puppets and Games
Semester Hours: 2
How to use object lessons to effectively teach, hold attention and make memorable points; how to make and use puppets; the purposes and ways to use games.
CM 462
Senior Children's Worker Seminar
Semester Hours: 2
Seminar covering the problems and situations that arise in children's ministries.
Ministry Administration

MA 111
Office Operations
Semester Hours: 1
Practical, hands-on introduction to the nuts and bolts of making work flow smoothly through an office of any kind.
MA 112
Communications Media
Semester Hours: 1
Hands-on involvement with broadcast via radio, television, the web and other technologies. Effective use of telephone evangelism.
MA 211/212
Technology & Web Tools 1,2
Semester Hours: 4
Detailed course in building an effective web presence. Look into the future to anticipate how to have a ministry presence around the world in the coming decades.
MA 311
Advertising and Graphics Design
Semester Hours: 2
Development of graphics design skills using modern tools, and evaluation of relative effectiveness of the variety of advertising media.
MA 462
Senior Administration Seminar
Semester Hours: 2
Seminar covering the problems and situations that arise in the ministries of administration.
Missions and Evangelism

ME 111
Personal Evangelism
Semester Hours: 3
Detailed and comprehensive study of the plan of salvation with Scriptural and practical methods of sharing this message. Emphasis on Scripture memorization.
ME 112
Cults & Religions Evangelism
Semester Hours: 3
Survey of major world cults and religions comparing doctrines with those of the Bible. Stress on defending Biblical truth against false teaching, and evangelizing those blinded by it.
ME 221/222
Missionary Language 1,2
Semester Hours: 3,3
An introductory course designed to acquaint the student with the basic grammar and syntax of Spanish (or another foreign language) as a preparation for evangelistic and church-planting work in a field requiring a different language.
ME 311
Introduction to World Missions
Semester Hours: 2
Study of the Biblical basis of missions, with principles to guide the church in fulfilling its commission to evangelize the world. The practical operation of current world missions.
ME 320
Child Evangelism
Semester Hours: 2
Designed to help students specialize in winning children to Christ and training them to serve Him. Involvement in a children's ministry is expected.
ME 341
Semester Hours: 1
A missions course, how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.
ME 342
Cross-Cultural Exposure
Semester Hours: 2
Learning from specialists who work locally with international groups, and a six-day trip (NTM "Wayumi") to learn adaptations to reach across cultural boundaries. (Additional cost $249 + RT fare to course location)
ME 361
"Least-of-these" Evangelism
Semester Hours: 2
Classroom instruction and hands-on experience at evangelism in jails & prisons, hospitals, hospice, rescue missions and homeless ministries, addiction rehab ministries.
ME 362
Traveling Evangelism
Semester Hours: 1
How to take the gospel on the road, including church "revivals", fairground ministries, beach event ministries, city-wide campaigns, prophecy campaigns.
ME 462
Senior Missions and Evangelism Seminar
Semester Hours: 2
Discussion seminar covering the topics, problems and situations that arise in actual pastoral ministry.
Pastoral Ministry

PM 221
Semester Hours: 2
Nuts and bolts of leadership in ministry, built on the truths of Scripture, and years of experience.
PM 222
Leadership Development for Women
Semester Hours: 2
Biblical and practical guidance for the many opportunities for women to lead in the various ministries of God's work.
PM 321
Pastor's Books and Tools
Semester Hours: 1
Filing and library science for the pastor or Christian worker, with survey of recommended books and authors. Also technological tools for study.
PM 322
Semester Hours: 2
Critical analysis of sermon construction with emphasis on Biblical content, structural unity, motivational power, application, and calling for decisions. Class hours divided between lectures and lab time for preaching practice and observation.
PM 341
Church Planting
Semester Hours: 2
How to go into an area and establish a healthy, growing church.
PM 340
Village Missions Application & Evaluation
Semester Hours: 1
Travel to VM candidate school or regional office and complete VM application and evaluation process. Credit based on evaluation by VM supervisors.
PM 360
Summer Pastoral Internship
Semester Hours: 2-6
Spend one to three months as a pastoral intern at a sound church. Credit based on time invested and evaluation by supervising pastor.
PM 401
Women's Ministry Practicum
Semester Hours: 1
Seminar for those actively involved in women’s ministry work, in or out of church. Credit based on both class time and field work.
PM 421
Pastoral Psychology
Semester Hours: 2
Objective look at the Biblical counselor and his ministry; different approaches in counseling, and practical applications in ministry setting.
PM 422
Senior Pastoral Seminar
Semester Hours: 2
Discussion seminar covering the topics, problems and situations that arise in actual pastoral ministry.
Youth Ministry

YM 321
Youth Leadership
Semester Hours: 2
Basic course in youth ministry, with principles and practical strategies for building youth ministries in and out of church.
YM 342
Conference Planning
Semester Hours: 1
Organizing, staffing and running a conference in connection with a youth ministry.
YM 343
Conference Counseling Lab
Semester Hours: 1
Field course based on actual participation as a counselor in a youth conference setting. Supervision and written reports are the basis for credit.
YM 420
Youth Work Practicum
Semester Hours: 1
Seminar for those actively participating in youth work, in or out of church. Credit based on both class time and field work.
YM 421
Youth Psychology
Semester Hours: 2
In-depth look into the minds of junior high and senior high age adolescents, to understand their problems and to minister effectively to them.
YM 462
Senior Youth Seminar
Semester Hours: 2
Discussion seminar covering the issues and relative effectiveness of methods in starting and in continuing a youth ministry, in or out of church.
*One semester-hour is equal to one fifty-minute class-period meeting each week for at least fifteen weeks.